Friday, April 20, 2012

Favorite Music Friday: Baz Luhrmann

With only two weeks remaining in my academic career, I am feeling a roller coaster of emotions. I go from stressed to scared to happy to nervous all within a span of an hour. I don't think I'll be able to truly realize my accomplishment until I turn in my last final. I'm getting closer and closer, but I've still got a TON of work to do. Therefore, this week's post will be sweet and short...

This speech was originally written by Mary Schmich as a newspaper column in the Chicago Tribune in 1997. She described the essay as the commencement speech she would give if she was asked to give one. Baz Luhrmann, the director of Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge, and the upcoming The Great Gatsby, used the essay in its entirety for his album Something for Everybody. The spoken word essay, narrated by Lee Perry, is remixed with a song sang by Quindon Tarver from the movie Romeo + Juliet (it's the song during the amazing wedding scene!).

I can't even explain how inspirational this speech is to me. It reminds me of what is important in life, to stop stressing over the silly things, and to take a step back and realize my life is my own. Listen to the entire thing. You will feel your spirit pick up and feel an inner calmness and level headedness come upon you. Trust me.

Take care and happy friday!

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